Item Cross Ref records (F4104) for all children of a parent customer in F0150

Eric Lehti

VIP Member
Item Cross Ref records (F4104) for all children of a parent customer in F0150.
When we need to cross-reference the customer part number to our Item number in F4101, we enter it in F4104, Item Cross Reference with program P41041. For customers with many children (see F0150), we wrote a custom app that populates F4104 with records for all the children, thus saving data entry time.
Do you have a need for this utility?
Hi Eric,

We wrote a UBE which runs daily to explode all parent records down to the children. We do this by deleting all records for the children on F4104 and then re-creating them. This UBE takes 2+ hours to complete causing a lot of IO on our database and logs. Does you application take a long time to run?

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