E9.2 data sequencing & lvl break question


Active Member
hey there, question for you, let's say a UBE has sequencing on it (let's just say F42119.ITM, F42119.GLC, level breaking on both as well, see below):

but then, in the event rules lets say there's a "No Append" data sequencing based on a processing option flag, where the sequencing is set to the following (in the intialize section of the event rules - "set user sequencing" see below)


Does this work? I'm wondering if in additional to Set Sequence Append Flag (No), i wonder if we need to clear the previous sequencing first? Any suggestions would be much obliged.

E1 9.20 TR on iseries

E1: RDA: Event Rule System Functions to Modify Data Selection and Data Sequence (Doc ID 1488886.1)

Clearing only clears the kinds of sequence the UBE added via code or externally, it'll never clear your diagram above in the section

'No append' means it totally ignores any other sequencing you may have entered in your version externally.
There is one for data selection too.

It's used when the flow of a report is critical to how it works and allowing people to alter that externally breaks the UBE.

Hope that helps
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