E9.2 Supplemental data for item master - P00092


Good morning,

I have to use supplemental data for item master. I have added some new data in P00092, but I cannot visualize it in item master P4101. Is it possibile?

Thank you very much.

Hi Marisa,

you need to doing a custom code to get supplemental data, or with a compose page to link pages.

Long back, I have done the same for HR module.
Yes. We might need to create some custom forms based on the requirement as all the fields are customizable.

Another way to help is to create a Form Extension to add a row-exit (from the list of items) or a form-exit (from the Item form). You can call P00092, pass-in the ItemCode and the supplemental database type (SDB/TYDT), and directly open the Supplemental data in update mode.

Kind regards.
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