media object attachment

  1. E9.2 Add File Attachment Orchestrator

    Hi, I hope all is going well. Does anyone now it is possible to create an Orchestrator that receive a file as an input or have some example, and add this file to the attachment of some Structure( GT4301 for example )? This is because that we don´t know how is the files are storage or...
  2. E9.2 CafeOne freezes when using custom attachment application

    Hi all, we're having a trouble with the CafeOne resource. I made an application to search the attachment of a row (data passes by form interconnection) and we use it in a CafeOne, it works actually, searches and shows the media object panel but when the user wants to close the CafeOne or click...
  3. E9.1 MO attachment append for RTF format

    Hi, Can you please suggest how to merge two RTF or HTML formatted text attachments in JDE using a business function. Thanks in advance!!
  4. Media Object HTML Upload setting

    Hi everyone, We are currently thinking about moving our Windows HTML server to Linux. At this point I have installed a JAS server on linux in our testing environment and everything is fine except the HTML upload. He's our setup. JDE E1 9.2.3 Windows server : DEP, ENT, Orchestrator Linux ...
  5. Media object fetch image failed

    Hi all, We are using E19.1 on red hat Linux. Having an issue with attachments. While some of the attachments (pdf) are viewable in the address book and at invoices, some while clicking the attachment to view gives this error: “Media object fetch image failed” I then looked at the media queue...
  6. Attach UBE output as MEdia Object

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone did this or if it is even possible. WE all know the pain of not reprinting packing list out of JDE after it is moved to history table. FOr some possible solution we were thinking if its possible to attach the PDF output of an UBE as a media object in that...