Select on F986110


Well Known Member
I recently replaced our JDE Logic server with a new server (last friday). I have noticed that during 'quiet time', our database server has been very spikey. Tonight I ran SQL profiler against it, and found that there are constant select statments running against the F986110 table for the data source and owner matching the new server name, I'm talking several per second. I can't figure out what this is.
Anyone have any suggestions?
What is the QueueDelay parameter set to for your new server? How many queues do you have allocated?

The polling on the F986110 will be the queue processes. Each takes the QueueDelay parameter at startup time and then polls the F986110 every QueueDelay seconds. With a good number of queue processes running you could see the kind of select activity you describe. You may consider increasing your queue delay if your users will tolerate the increases delay in jobs launching. Search the list for previous discussions on ways to mitigate the impact of this polling. It will depend on your database configuration but things like regular updating of statistics (or surprisingly removing statistics in some cases) can help.

From release 8.9 and above the queue processes have been replaced by a single queue kernel. So polling is no longer done. On a side note this has removed the ability to do interesting things with triggers and custom code to move jobs between queues before they start running.
Thanks for the response. I'm curious why it has so much more impact on the DB than it did when running the older logic server (i copied INI files). I probably need to work with statistics on the DB.
Thanks for the help.
TO give you an update. I had to recreate the indexes on my F986110. That improved it dramatically, actually, idle time now is around 0% proc utilization.