Setting the cursor position in the notepad Media Object


Active Member
hey guys,

Here is my situation:

- I have a form in an interactive application containing an attachment-style notepad media object.

- When the form is loaded, the business function MediaObjectFunctions\SetCursorPosition sets the cursor position to "Home" (i.e. to the top).

- I would like the cursor position to be set to the "End" (i.e. at the bottom, at the end of all the text). This is significant since the media object is populated with a new line containing a time stamp each time the form is loaded. I would like the entries to be made in ascending order (i.e. the most recent entry at the bottom).

- only "Home" can be passed to MediaObjectFunctions\SetCursorPosition..

- I've tried commenting out that line of code, but it appears that the cursor position it set to the top by default..

Can anyone help me with my problem?

Do you need to worry about HTML? I'm sure there's a way to do this on a win client by posting windows messages. Oddly enough, when I bring up a text attachment the text window doesn't even have focus. Is your code bringing the text area into focus? If it is, just post some page-down messages to the window before inserting your code. You could even calculate the page-down count by counting the number of new-line characters.

Of course, in a HTML client, none of this would work, I'm sure.