UBE output to XML


Hi everybody,

I need a UBE able to produce output in XML format. Where can I find information?? I have searched the KG and found very little...

Thank You!!!

OW Xe, SP17.1, Update 1, Win2000, SQL7.0

It is very simple Step 1 - Generate a report in XML format instead of a PDF format.

OneWorld-XE have a UBE option unfamiliar to most OneWorld users. This option is Output Stream Access, or OSA. The OSA option allows UBE to run and have the output created in XML format rather than limiting to a PDF format.
1. Once a UBE has been selected, and the submit button has been clicked,
select the 'Document Setup' tab
2. On the 'Document Setup' tab, click the check box 'OSA Interface Name'
3. A fill-in box opens up under the check box. Click inside the box and
select the 'Visual Assist' button.
4. With release Xe there are only two options, OSASample and XML.
5. Highlight XML and click the 'Select' button.
6. Click 'OK' and the UBE will run producing an output in XML format that can then be used in 3rd party systems.

Technical details on OSA can be found in the Enterprise Report Writing
manual (Xe release) under Appendix F.

OW Hell
Yes, I have just test it and it can help. But I need something were I could define the tags I need to use and the values it could have. Then call that tag and throw the actual values to it. I have to comply with a propietary XML format.
Thank You for your help!!!!!!
Hell, Thanks for gettin' me started on this xml thing. I think you meant to say "XSLT" which is a method to convert an xml document from one format to another. More info at