SQL to DB2 Change


Reputable Poster
Hi to all.

We are in Oneworld XE SP 23 J. As part of our upgrade plan we must change our database from MS SQL 7.0 to IBM DB2 UDB 8.2.

We have succesfully intalled the database and create the databases and tables using the provided scripts. We have changed the names as shown to avoid errors naming datasources and environments.

Standard Name New Name
PD7333 PD73DB2
PY7333 PY73DB2
DV7333 DV73DB2
PST7333 PS73DB2

We have created a new pathcode PY73DB2 as a copy of PY7333
and a New Database Datasources:
PY7333 - Central Objects DB2
PY7333 - Control Tables DB2
PY7333 - Bussines Data DB2
PY7333 - Versions DB2

pointing to the new databases.

Also we have setup a new Environment PY73DB2 pointing to this new pathcode.

Now the questions?

1. How can i do to change our system datasources from JD7333 to OWSHDB2? (Object Librarian, Data Dictionary, system and server map)

2. is possible to do this task before copying all the environment data to the db2 databases?

3. is there any related documentation to do such task?

4. what is the recomended method to do this change, installation planner?

Many Thanks

It seems to me that it would have been easier to recreate the existing datasources than to create all new ones, as you will have to completely re-do your OCM mappings, etc.

The way I see it, you could bring down your system, create a data source to the servermap and system libs (make sure they are flagged as OCM datasources) on your "new" As/400 on your dep server, then log into planner on the dep. server. You could then go into Data Sources, and select the data source you just created, then move forward with re-creating the existing data sources(business data, control tables, dd, etc.) as iSeries data sources. Once complete, you will need to change the ini's to point to the iSeries instead of your old SQL/Intel box, and BAM!!! You should be good to go, no need for 2 sets of data sources or to go through the hassle of changing your OCMs...

My 2 cents... I may have missed something here, but I'm sure you get the idea I was trying to present.

Well, many thanks for your answer, our new system is an Intel with DB2 UDB (Windows 2003 Server).

If i follow this procedure, how i will copy the data from the old database to the new database?

Oracle support has told us that we can make the database change during the update process (at least the database form the enviroments to upgrade), but they don't have told us the procedure to "move" system data (DD, OL, etc)

Many Thanks again.
Search on "R98403" which is the utility to use to copy data in a situation such as yours.
Hi Larry.

Many Thanks.

We are looking in R98403 for copying our Versions from PD7333 to PY7333 (prior to the upgrade), what are the right options for the processing options and data selection?, we don't find any apporpiate XJDE version to use as a template?