Solution Explorer or not...


Active Member
We wanted to go live with Solution Explorer because OExplorer is going away with B9. However, after trying to lockdown security and create custom task views, we are finding that Solution explorer may not be worth the trouble we are experiencing. My question is this:

Is anyone out there running Solution Explorer in production?

If so, what problem have you experienced?

We currently have to duplicate security for Solution Explorer and OExplorer. Also, in order to lockout unwanted Task Views, we are using row security on the F9000 table.

XE, Unix/Oracle 8.1.6, NT2000 WTS
Hi Tim,

We are using SE in our production system and are not experiencing any
I use it to apply my first layer of security, replacing the old menu
type security by deploying Role based security and tasks.

This works pretty well. I also use it to uncomplicated my menu structure
by allowing people to change Roles during a session thereby refreshing
the available Tasks they can see on their views.

I have not begun to use the real purpose of Tasks which is to allow the
linking of multiple tasks into one process flow.

All in all I think it's a good step forward by JDE.

IT Dept
We have a client who is successfully live using Solution Explorer in
Xe. As far as security goes, you have to create roles & apply them
on a high level basis & you can use the Security Workbench to take
care of the rest. Role based security is the back bone behind
Solution Explorer. Hope this helps!!
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