Re: [Re: DD, GLBL TBL and Package Build]


Well Known Member
Re: [Re: DD, GLBL TBL and Package Build]

I'm going to beg to differ.
My experience is that the R92TAM report which builds the DDDICT/DDTEXT are
sourced by the Data Dictionary tables (i.e. F9200 F9202, F9203, F9207, F9210,
F9212, F00165, etc)
And the R98CRTGL which builds the GLBLTBL is sourced by the
DDDICT/DDTEXT/DDTABL/DDPKEYH/DDPKEYD/DDCLMN tam files on the machine running
the job. Which is why you must run R92TAM before running R98CRTGL (you must
populate the DDDICT/DDTEXT files).

antipodes1 <[email protected]> wrote:
Re: [Re: DD, GLBL TBL and Package Build]

I stand corrected and better educated!

OneWorld Xe Sp16_018, W2k, W2K TSE, SQL 2K on Compaq Proliant.
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