Issue in generating wrapper class using oneworld XE.


I am a java developer.I have a requirement to execute the business functions present in JDE.I have installed OneWorld XE im My Machine.When I tried to execute the “GenJava” command to create wrapper classes I get the following error.

D:\B7\system\Bin32>GenJava /Cat 1 /UserID DEMO /Password demo /EnvironmentID DEMOB73 CMFG

J.D.Edwards OneWorld(tm) Interoperability Interface Generator

Copyright (C) 1996-2000 J.D. Edwards World Source Company

All Rights Reserved.

Preparing CMFG...

B3401200 (F3460, Edit Line And Update Master Business Function): (category 1)

F3460EditLineAndUpdate [D3401200]

B3401360 (Process Messages MBF): (category 1)

ProcessMessagesBeginDoc [D3401360A]

ProcessMessagesEditLine [D3401360B]

ProcessMessagesEndDoc [D3401360C]

Unexpected error

can anyone please provide the solution
Your interop ini probably isn't set up. You should refer to the interop guide to learn how to set it up properly.