Insert Grid Buffer Row questions

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster
I'm doing an insert grid buffer row, w/in a loop, into an already populated grid (W4210A).

I want that when I exit a row, I create multiple copies of that row, and insert them following that row.

I want that the grid shows as row, inserted row 1, inserted row 2, etc.

I struggled w/the insert grid buffer row as "after current row" didn't always insert after the row I'd exited from.

I tried setting MATH02 as a "row I exited from + .01" line number, but that gave me cache errors.

I eventually found that if I did MATH02 = VA frm_mnF4211UILineNumber_LNIX + 1,
and my insert grid buffer row used MATH02 as the "put it here" variable, I'd get what I want for a SINGLE line.

However multiple lines give me 1.0, 1.2, 1.1

What should I be using to get my rows inserted as 1.1, 1.2?

Should the MATH02 be able to handle .01 line#s?

I looked for other spots in P4210 that insert rows.
Sub/Comp items is a row exit, so "after current row" works fine.
Kit/Components adds to cache, but not to the grid.

ALSO, what does the Grid System Function "Set Lower Limit" do?

Any/all help is greatly appreciated.

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I'm going to play w/"Get Selected Grid Row Number" tomorrow.
Hey Gene,

Just curious...did you find your solution?

FYI - Set Lower Limit basically creates one element in the select structure (i.e., similar to "Set Selection"). Basically, lets you do data selection.

No, I got beat up by another part of the project, and haven't gotten to play around. Hopefully soon.

BTW - congrats on the change on your signature line.

Thanks Gene. However, nothing technically has changed BUT the signature line. That's my company. Just starting to expand is all.
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