F2UI11 failures


Active Member
Hi Jdelist,
I have someone in our Sales department who is trying to book
an order , app P4210 (W4210H) and sometimes this following
message appears "update to cache F2UI11 Failed" only a occassionally
. Also she had Cache X4801-25 Failed a few weeks ago.

Is this to do with memory failure in that specific application ? or
is this a corruption ? What is the best solution for this or is there no fix

Kind Regards


OneWorld Xe B7333 SP14
Citrix XP 1.0 Citrix / FAT
Win95 / NT / Win2K on Citrix

Sally Owen - IT Department
Racal Instruments Ltd
480 Bath Rd

Tel No: 01628 604455 ext 3791 or ERP 3562
Mobile : 07789 652487
Mailto : [email protected]
F42UI11 failed

Just to let you know it is F42UI11 failed not F2UI11 .
Sorry for the mistake , maybe I will get some feed back now !


Re: F42UI11 failed


Have you searched the Knowledge Garden lately? I'm pretty sure there is an ESU out there to fix that.
Re: F42UI11 failed

We have this problem on a daily basis in B733.1 in a heavily customized B4200310, B42000311 and P4210. We have not been able to resolve this and are testing in XE to determine if the problem still exists.
Re: F42UI11 failed

I believe this was fixed in Xe with Update 3 and SP16.1.