Citrix XP


Well Known Member
Is anyone using the XP version with B7332 11.3 AS400/NT 4.0 SP 6?
We are looking at going to Citrix and we don't know whether to install 1.8
or go to XP. Please advise.

Libbi Fletcher
HoMedics, Inc.
M.I.S. Department
248-863-3001 ext. 1281
[email protected]
XP is a nice package, but many of the bells and whistles have been optimized
for Win2000, so if you have plans to move in that direction, it is a good
choice. The built in NFuse is also a nice toy for access through a browser,
with I believe an ActiveX kicker, so that the apps can be accessed from any
point, not just a specific workstation.
If you plan to stay with NT, and the browser enablement doesn't trip your
trigger, then1.8 is a tried and