
  1. E9.1 customer master- Batch processing mode

    Please explain batch processing mode (I,P,T) from cutomer master P03013
  2. E9.2 R007021 - Showing Unposted Header

    Hey Guys , upon running the R007021 Transactions To Batch Headers Integrity Report , I received an error message on F03B13 to F011 - Batch Header (F0011) Posted / Header (F03B13) Unposted I do not see the mentioned Payment ID in Batch Revisions Applications , the only records that exist for it...
  3. P0011 RB Batch - Changing G/L Date of Receipt

    Hi, We have an issue where an RB batch has been created but the G/L date of the receipt is in a closed period so the batch won't post. Is there a way i can change the G/L date to just use today's date so the batch will post into the current period? Thanks J