XML is getting a garbage value for currency attribute of a math numeric value



We are implementing "Third Part Authorization" for our prepayment process. I constructed the XML String using the API's of "xerceswrapper", and then calling the business service which in turn consumes the external web service. We have this math_numeric field "AuthorizeTransactionAmt" which needs to be passed while calling the business service. I've copied the value using the API "XRCS_setMathNumericElementValue" from a field which is getting calculated in the existing c business function. The attribute "currency" of the Math_Numeric field is showing the characters '|' and a space in it's 4th and 2nd positions respectively. When I copy the same value into my XML element it's taking a garbage value in between the beginning and ending tags of the element "currency" and is causing for an error while I'm calling the business service. When I take off this symbol '|'and spaces from currency during run time then the garbage value in the XML is gone and call to the business service is successful. I'm attaching the document where you can see the garbage value in the XML as well as in the Math_Numeric Value. It would be of great help if anyone can share if there is any workaround for this overriding the currency code to "USD" or just zero's.


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