XML and Security


Hi list,

I'm implementing an interface using XML 'jdeRequest' documents sent from a Java application which is located on the Enterprise server. What I'd like to be able to do is only allow XML documents to be sent from the server itself for security reasons. To get partly there I could get the CNC/IT team to block the port (on the firewall) except for the Enterprise server, the Citrix servers and the small number of developers FAT client. However, is it possible to configure the JDE.INI so that the XML kernel is on a different port (to increase the security)? Could I achieve this by starting a separate set of services that use the same environment/data-sources (sorry, I'm not a CNC expect) Is it possible to limit the BSFNs that can be called remotely?

Finally, is anyone allowing remote systems (either internal or external) to send XML documents directly (i.e. already in the correct format)? and if so, how are you monitoring that the callMethods XML elements are those you are expecting?


XE SP22, Oracle 9.2.0 HP-UNIX B.11.11
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