X0010 deprecated?


Active Member
I've always used X0010 - Get Next Number to retrieve a next number, which I've read is safer than fetch, update. The business function came up in a conversation with someone on JDE response line, and they said it is obsolete and has been for a while. I went to my B7\pathcode directory on Update 4 and couldn't find the source. The header is there, but it's blank. At the time, I had a pathcode on Update 2 and it was the same story. He went back as far as he could and didn't find it. Processes are still working using the function because it's still in the DLL. It's not a major issue as long as JDE doesn't deploy anything that overwrites it, but I don't want to depend on that? What is the most reliable way to assign a next number, besides in the data dictionary?
It's in the kernel now. . . has been for several years. You can still use it though, as you've found out.
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