Window and Help Menu Toll bar buttons getting attached to ROW Exit menu button

shukla pankaj

I have attached a ROW exit button to a Find and Browse Form and there are some buuton attached to it to call different different application. Problem is Window and help menu button are getting attached to RoW Exit button automatically . If I delete Row exit then it (Windows and Help ) is showin there on the menu tool bar but if there is a row exit it is getting attached to row exit button and not showing on the menu tool bar.
Is there a way to remove windows and Help menu bar button from the row exit button. If I open the Menu/Toolbar Exit of form these two button(windows and Help) are not showing in the row exit.
Please suggest some solution . I am using 8.9 JDE


  • 160448-Menu Bar Button.jpg
    160448-Menu Bar Button.jpg
    88.3 KB · Views: 140
You did not add a Row Exit button Shukla! You added a Form exit.
I suggest you select an existing Row Exit, then click the Insert button, then enter your custom button properties.
Please grab a screenshot from the Menu Design after you inserted your custom button, with your button properties visible, post it here, and we'll take it from there.
hi shukla, i've seen this happen in both row categories and form categories (by the way: it's also described in bug 8794351. i don't know the current status of it though). we devised a workaround a while ago for removing "ghost" ROW-exits. see attached document. using this document as a basis, with a slight modification, u should also be able to get rid of "ghost" FORM-exits. i've done it a few times for both row-exits and form-exits. good luck.


  • 160465-remove_ghost_row_exits_Tools897.doc
    528.5 KB · Views: 160
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