Vertex Call from OW In JDE Case tool application


Well Known Member

I'm trying Perform a credit card settlement program from the F4211 file

However I need to re-calculate the Tax on the Order by calling Quantum
(Vertex), before I settle the credit card.
I'm having a hec of a time getting this to work properly.

Anyone have documentation on calling the right Business functions or a
program that I could use as a template on how to call the business
functions and in which order to call them/what to send. Here is what I
have in terms of calling the vertex business functions...I removed all
the other information. Does this seem right, its working in program
R42565. I really need to get this working..

EVENT: Initialize Section
Determine if Vertex is Active
"<Blank>" -> szSystemCode
VA rpt_VertexActive <- cUseVertexFlag
UNDEFINED <- szUSCountryCode
UNDEFINED <- szCanCountryCode
UNDEFINED <- szDivisionCodeSales
UNDEFINED <- szItemBalanceCategory
UNDEFINED <- szDivisionCodeUse
UNDEFINED <- szItemBalanceCategoryUseTax
UNDEFINED <- szGlOffset
UNDEFINED <- cFlagMultiCountyAddress
UNDEFINED <- cPrintLinkParm
UNDEFINED <- szCustomerClassCodeSales
UNDEFINED <- szCustomerClassCodeUse
UNDEFINED <- szQuantumDebugLog

EVENT: Do Section
Get Internal Next NUmber
VA rpt_VertexJobNumber <- mnJobnumberA

Load and Retrieve Vertex Cache
"2" -> cCalledFromFlag
RV Ship To -> mnSupplierOrShipTo
RV Order Date -> jdDateTransactionJulian
RV Order Company -> szCompany
RV Header Business Unit -> szHeaderBranchPlant
RV Business Unit -> szDetailBranchPlant
VA rpt_VertexJobNumber <> mnJobnumberA
"1" -> cModeProcessing
"<Zero>" -> cWriteRegisterFlag
RV Item Number (Short) -> mnIdentifierShortItem
RV Order Type -> szOrderType
RV Line Type -> szLineType
UNDEFINED <- mnStateTaxableAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnStateTaxRate
UNDEFINED <- mnStateTaxAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnCountyTaxableAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnCountyTaxRate
UNDEFINED <- mnCountyTaxAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnCityTaxableAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnCityTaxRate
UNDEFINED <- mnCityTaxAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnDistrictTaxableAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnDistrictTaxRate
UNDEFINED <- mnDistrictTaxAmount
UNDEFINED <- mnTotalTaxRate
UNDEFINED <- szIntraStateTaxedGeoCode
UNDEFINED <- mnIntraStateCountyRate
UNDEFINED <- mnIntraStateCountyTax
UNDEFINED <- mnIntraStateCityRate
UNDEFINED <- mnIntraStateCityTax
UNDEFINED <- mnIntraStateDistrictRate
UNDEFINED <- mnIntraStateDistrictTax
UNDEFINED <- szShipToState
UNDEFINED <- szShipToCounty
UNDEFINED <- szShipToCity
UNDEFINED <- szShipFromState
UNDEFINED <- szShipFromCounty
UNDEFINED <- szShipFromCity
UNDEFINED <- szOrderAcceptState
UNDEFINED <- szOrderAcceptCounty
UNDEFINED <- szOrderAcceptCity
VA rpt_VertexGeoCodeShipto <> szShipToGeoCode
UNDEFINED <- cDistrictApplyFlag
UNDEFINED -> mnUnitsTransactionQty
UNDEFINED <- szTransactionTaxGeoCode
RV Order Number -> mnDocumentOrderInvoiceE
RV Order Company -> szCompanyKeyOrderNo
"000" -> szOrderSuffix
RV Line Number -> mnLineNumber
UNDEFINED <- szShipFromGeoCode
UNDEFINED <- szOrderAcceptGeoCode

Tax, Calculate for Sales and Purchasing
VA rpt_SaveOrderTaxTXA1 -> szTaxArea1
VA rpt_SaveOrderTaxEXR1 -> szTaxExplanationCode1
RV Order Date -> jdTransactionDate
RV Payment Terms -> szPaymentTermsCode1
RV Order Company -> szCompany
RV Item Number (Short) <> mnShortItemNumber
RV Quantity -> mnUnitsPrimaryQtyOrder
RV Extended Price -> mnAmountTaxable
VA rpt_TaxesForLine <- mnAmtTax2
VA sec_TempDiscount <- mnAmtDiscountAvailable
VA rpt_StateTaxRate <- mnTaxRate1
VA rpt_CountyTaxRate <- mnTaxRate2
VA rpt_CityTaxRate <- mnTaxRate3
VA rpt_DistrictTaxRate <- mnTaxRate4
UNDEFINED X mnTaxAuthority1A
UNDEFINED X mnTaxAuthority2
UNDEFINED X mnTaxAuthority3
UNDEFINED X mnTaxAuthority4
UNDEFINED X mnTaxAuthority5
UNDEFINED X mnAmtSalesTaxTaxAuth1
UNDEFINED X mnAmtSalesTaxTaxAuth2
UNDEFINED X mnAmtSalesTaxTaxAuth3
UNDEFINED X mnAmtSaleStaxTaxAuth4
UNDEFINED X mnAmtSalesTaxTaxAuth5
UNDEFINED X cTaxCalcMethod2
UNDEFINED X szDescriptionTaxArea
UNDEFINED X mnTotalAreaTaxRate
UNDEFINED X cFactorValueType
VA rpt_VertexErrorCode <- cErrorCode
UNDEFINED X mnDiscountPercentage
"1" -> cSystemCode
UNDEFINED X mnGoodsValue
UNDEFINED X mnAmountTaxExempt
UNDEFINED X mnUnroundedTaxAmt
UNDEFINED X cSummaryDetailFlag
UNDEFINED X cItemNumberUsedFlag
VA rpt_VertexJobNumber -> mnJobnumberA
VA rpt_VertexActive -> cIsVertexActive
UNDEFINED X szAuthority1Desc
UNDEFINED X szAuthority3Desc
UNDEFINED X szAuthority2Desc
UNDEFINED X szAuthority5Desc
UNDEFINED X szAuthority4Desc
RV Order Number -> mnDocumentOrderInvoiceE
RV Order Type -> szOrderType
RV Order Company -> szCompanyKeyOrderNo
"000" -> szOrderSuffix
RV Line Number -> mnLineNumber

If VA rpt_VertexErrorCode is equal to <Zero>
VA rpt_TotalTaxesExtended = [VA
rpt_TotalTaxesExtended]+[VA rpt_TaxesForLine]
End If
VA rpt_VertexErrorMsgDlt = "078N"
Delete Message(VA rpt_VertexErrorMsgDlt)
End If

Also I get fetch errors from vertex which basically means I get
disconnected from Vertex on the Address book when looking for GEO Codes.
Anyone have information for this problem...

JDE OW Version B7331 Sp 7 , DB2 database
Vertex on the AS/400 version 1.3.20

I used the "Tax, calculate for sales and purchasing" bsfn
to recalc tax on (open) f4211 records. This was w/in a custom
UBE, but it is the same bsfn that P4210 uses.


Gene Piekarski, Jr

AS/400, B733, SP11.2, NT client
AS/400, B733, SP14, W2000 client
XE, SP15.1

We are experiencing similar disconnect problem between OW and Vertex (Quantum). We had emailed the Quantum Log to Vertax for analysis and they found traces of many incomplete transactions. Recent news flash on KG indicated that JDE is not supporting any version of Vertex prior to version 2.0 with OW. They want us to upgrade to Vertax 2.0.

Are you experiencing problems in Address Book maintenance during Geocode assignment.?? Also the On-line Invoice Inquiry should sporadically give you wrong Tax if there's disconnet problem.

Pl. reply. We thought we were the only one to experience this problem.


OW-Xe SP-13 AS/400 DB2 (Vertax on AS/400 1.3.20)
We are getting some disconnect problems from the A/B. The problem is not as bad anymore, the users we have educated in the process and problems. Also we have change the order entry screen to make the tax information required on the order header and read only (cannot be changed by the user). Therefore if the customer is NOT setup correctly.
The users cannot take an order. This is drastic but, at least we are note taking the order and getting bad tax calculation on the invoice and being forced to make customer credits for the differences..

As for the on-line invoicing screen. The major problem in the code seems to be that the company number is not being passed in the interface process to vertex. The vertex system since it does not have the company number, is not looking at the TDM table overrides and giving back bad information.

Which OW version works with vertex 2.0??


jdeman wrote:

As per JDE OW-Xe talks with Vertax 2.0 very well. We are planning to upgrade to Vertax 2.0. I really hope this solves the problem.

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