

Active Member
Is it wise to let users to modify versions in production? Currently we are coexistense and our users want to be able modify PO and DS in production with check in and out ability from BV. What are the consequences?

Xe, Sp20, Upd 7,Oracle 817, AS/400, NT Servers
I won't say it is wise, but it certainly can be a necessity. Users may at times have to enter several lines of data selection or a long list of company numbers or BU's. If they have to re-enter this information every time they run a UBE, it can be quite time consuming.

You didn't say if the users logged in with Fat Clients or Terminal Servers. If they have fat clients, I'd say with a little bit of training, Yes give them access to create versions and change data selection. You'll want to secure RDA for all except your power users. If they are on Terminal Servers and JITI is turned off (as it should be) then they may have to work thru the CNC/Development staff. (Not the best solution, but what are you going to do?)

Remember, the system is there to make the user's job easier, not to make the CNC guy's life easier. The 5min they save (x 100 users) far out weights the hour or two you save...

Good luck.
Actually, using menu setup, you can add specific versions to users' menus which allow for prompting for data selection and values (processing options). This eliminates their need to do any check in's and check out's from BV. In addition, I'd make sure that these versions are separate from any versions you may have scheduled to run in batch mode. It could be disastrous is a user changes a Proc. Option or Data Selection on a production batch version.
Prompting for data selection still does not allow users to save data selection which can sometimes be lengthly. I've seen cases where users list out 20 or more BU's in data selection who were forced to re-enter this list everytime they ran the report. Granted, you may not give this capability to every user. But certain users need this ability.

Yes, certain UBE have PO's that can cause tremendous problems if changed (proof vs update comes to mind). So sensitive programs such as these should be secured.
I agree that it was a real step backward when we lost data selection from one UBE run to the next, when we moved from B733.1 to XE.

Yes, in some cases like you mention, it could be beneficial for users to have BV access, but definitely in a restricted mode.
<<Remember, the system is there to make the user's job easier, not to make the CNC guy's life easier.
The 5min they save (x 100 users) far out weights the hour or two you save... >>

Your post shall be written in stone here!

THANK YOU Ken; unfortunately, I tend to forget - sometimes - that we are here to improve/automate/ ... finally increase OUR user community EFFICIENCY.

Thank you , again,
Be sure to consider the security ramifications of users checking in versions in production.

If a user can modify and check in a version they can also override the complete functionality of the report. The version can do anything they want.
Agreed. RDA should be secured to prevent version modifications beyond data selection and sequencing.

Adrian, Thanks. I too sometimes forget.
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