version change on scheduled job


Well Known Member
I made a change to an existing version of a UBE that runs every night on the
JDE Scheduler. The change was merely a processing option change to an
existing version.
the job ran last night, but did not accept my change. I was trying to run
AutoPost on the R04110Z UBE. Do I have to stop and start the scheduler in
order for it to take or something silly like that? I checked out the
version, made the change and checked it back in. Any help would be

AS400 V5R1 XE U3 SP 20 NT W2K

Libbi Fletcher
Systems Administrator
HoMedics, Inc.
3000 Pontiac Trail
Commerce Township, MI 48390
248-863-3001 ext. 1281
Hi Libbi,

You must deployment an Update package to the Enterprise Server or submit the UBE to the Server with the Advance option Specs Only.

The scheduler assumes the version is on the server. There is no JITI from a client with the scheduler.

Hope this helps.
Thanx, Adrian. I actually found an earlier post on this list from YOU that
said this and I did it last night and it worked!
Thanx. by the way, PeopleSoft support wanted me to download an ESU!!!
Surprised, not!
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