Vendors, Non Stock, and Relationships


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Ok, let me first start by saying I'm just looking for some "guidance" and pointing in the right direction. I've done lots of poking around and reading and just trying to enlighten myself on some new things our company wants IT to look into.

In a nutshell, they want to do some more "vendor relationship" type stuff when it comes to Inventory and Purchasing so some questions have come up and I'm trying to find the best way to get some understanding of how I see things working in JDE. We already do lots of Inventory and Purchasing, just not very well.

1. They want to do some "contract pricing" with some of their vendors and I have found the Supplier/Item Relationship & Revision screens which seem to serve their purpose. Let's say you have a contract with a vendor to purchase Toilet paper (a stock item) for .80 each so you can setup a "catalog" of the part(s) with the contract price and that will follow through to the PO. It appears you HAVE to have the Item # Purchase Price Level on the part set to 1 (or 2) so it will pick up the contract price if there is one. If I fill out a PO to a vendor for Toilet Paper that does NOT have a contract price, it falls through to the F4105 purchase price as indicated on the part. Am I on the right track here? Anything else I should be looking at?

2. Vendor/Item Cross Reference - In the system, we would maintain a part # (for example) TOILETPAPER. When we order it from vendor 123, their part # is "XYZ-TP". I would setup a x-ref for that vendor # and put in the x-ref # as indicated. When you print out the PO, it appears the only choice you have is to either print our part # or both our part # and the x-ref #. True? If there is not x-ref, it only shows our part # which is fine.

3. Non stock items - This is a tough one because at first they wanted to be able to maintain some parts as "stock in one warehouse, but non-stock in another". From everything I read, this is obviously not possible. The non-stock item only is maintained at the Item Master level. So any thoughts on how they might do such a thing?

4. Along the lines of non-stock stuff, there really doesn't appear to be any "inquires" that tell you how much you are ordering and from whom. Let's say I want to interogate all the suppliers I order WIDGETS (a non-stock item) from. Do non-stock items get records in F4115 like stock items? Or do you just have to write some reports over Purchasing stuff to be able to look at things. I see the processing option on PO Entry to "capture supplier analysis" but wasn't sure how/if that would have any impact on non-stock parts. I have also read a bit about something called "supplier analysis regeneration" and also "update supplier and Item analysis records" that seems to be of interest. Are they the same thing? Can anyone elaborate on them?

I think you can see the direction they are trying to go based on these questions I'm sorting through so if you have any other high level areas to point me in, feel free. I don't think they are looking for anything "out of the ordinary" with regards to standard "purchasing and supplier requests" that many of you have already been through. Thanks in advance for any help. I'll buy beer at the Las Vegas conference for any responses!

As regards point 2,vendor/item cross refrence,you are obsolutely right.

We, Strategic Balance Consulting, are proposing two means of communication supplier information to and from suppliers. One is a simple business intelligence view utilizing a tool like Q4bis. This is strictly for info to the supplier. For a more robust, bi-directional supplier portal, we hve implemented a web portal.

In all cases we try to take advantage of existing data structures (as you suggest are available) in World to trap and validate data, but with .NET based portals, we are not limited to what World offers, and have the opportunity to make what world does offer far more vendor friendly in terms of ease of use and intutiveness.

We have found that this is a critical success factor in getting vendors to engage, and use the tools you provide.

We have an active implemenation project going we could demo to show you what's possible to help generate ideas...let me know if you are interested.
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