VC++ 6.0 is still supported in Standalone 8.11 ?



Active Member
Hi all,

Can we still use VC++6.0 in Standalone 8.11 ?

David Huang

as far as I know demo E8.11 needs Visual Studio .Net (VC++ 7.0).

I believe you'll find an error message in your jde.log file if your jde.ini points to VC++6.0
I hadn't heard a requirement for anything more than 6.0. Logically, it wouldn't make sense to require anything more than the basic, since the .Net tools are not necessary for development.

My experience with 8.11 Standalone was with 6.0 - and it ran fine.

I havent tried using VC 6.0 with 8.11 Standalone. But heres another thought. Do you really want to do development on the standalone that you need VC installed.

If you dont need to development then you can configure the 8.11 Standalone with no VC component at all. Just install the .NET Framework 1.1 or higher before you do the install
I must have missed the relationship meeting between Oracle and M$, somewhere... As far as I've seen - there is no relationship between the JDE Tools and any of the .Net framework. It is absolutely unnecessary.

VC 6 should still be the requirement (really, ANSI C), not C.Net...

If you plan on doing any NER/C development with 8.11 - don't you still need VC (6) to compile NERs and C Functions. I fail to see any requirement for the .NET....

I'll look for some docs that say otherwise.

Check the MTR for 8.11. The compiler is listed as:
Visual Studio C++ .NET 2003

8.9 and 8.10 apps still require:
Visual Studio C++ 6.0

8.9 and 8.10 apps WITH 8.94 Tools Release and beyond:
Visual Studio C++ 6.0 and RTL 7.1

It seems to me that 8.94 is a somewhat of a transitional release; since they require the C compiler from .NET (I believe they are only using the compiler, not the .NET framework, thus negating the requirement to install the .NET framework on the deployment server, workstations, etc.) they include support for code built with the 7.0 compiler in the tools, which I believe forces legacy apps 8.9 and 8.10 to carry a copy of the .NYET runtime libraries:


Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken. It seems like a smart move on their part to support the latest release of Visual Studio (which eases the burden on new customers who purchase JDE and who, of course, are then required to purchase Visual Studio 6.0.) Wait, M$ ceased support on VS6, you can't purchase a copy through the channel, what is a customer to do? I guess they buy .NET and downgrade to 6, or, OraJDESoft fixes their latest app release so that the latest M$ compiler is compatible. At least, that is one theory.

That helps make a lot of sense - the requirement for VC.Net is due to availability (or lack of) VC.6...

The 8.11 standalone I played with had VC.6 and compiled good.

I'll create a Virtual Standalone (XP, VC.6, Acrobat and 8.11) this weekend - and see how it goes. I'll replicate with VC.Net - and see if it makes any difference.

I believe the ground rule is - that .Net doesn't have much to do with the equation; that Ansi C Compiler does?

Hi Daniel,

As your successful experience, how to setup jde.ini/registry or other settings to make VC++ 6.0 run fine with standalone 8.11 ?

I only modified jde.ini like this:

STDLIBDIR=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\lib
INCLUDES=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include;D:\E811\System\Include;D:\E811\System\cg;D:\E811\Demo\include;D:\E811\System\Includev
LIBS=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\lib;D:\E811\System\lib32;D:\E811\Demo\lib32;D:\E811\System\libv32
MAKEDIR=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin;D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin

But I get error message like this while I try to build a business function:

Current local conditions indicate that compiler -- Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) -- must be installed with correct paths recorded in the registry.

Either the correct compiler is not installed, registry paths are incorrect, or one of the compiler tools may be missing.

Please contact an administrator to resolve this problem.

Executables needed: nmake.exe, cl.exe, link.exe, lib.exe, dumpbin.exe

How to solve it ?

David Huang

When I created my virtual client - using C++ 6.x and 8.11, I was unable to get the compilations to work... I'm going to have to relocate the 8.11 client I had worked on before - and snag a copy of the INI settings and the install locations.

Likewise - I've not been successfull in getting 8.10 to work with C++.Net...

These confabbed processes need to be simplified <grrrrr>

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