Update Package - Where to Build from?


Active Member
I am a little confused. I need to build a PY update package with custom reports/versions. Should I assemble, build and deploy it from the DEP7333 on the deployment or can I do it from the PY pathcode on a workstation? Any help will be much appreciated.

If you decide to use your deployment server, I would suggest you to define
the package from PY to be sure you select the correct versions and build it
from DEP7333 environment to avoid lock files issue.

On the other hand, if you want to use a workstation, you can define and
build it from PY but it will take just a little more time.


<[email protected] To: [email protected]
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Sent by: Subject: Update Package - Where to Build from?

15/10/2004 13:14
Please respond to

I am a little confused. I need to build a PY update package with custom
reports/versions. Should I assemble, build and deploy it from the DEP7333
on the deployment or can I do it from the PY pathcode on a workstation? Any
help will be much appreciated.
You can do it from either location, however I prefer to build the package on a well equiped client machine. Just make sure you have all of the necessary components installed on the client. I think you'll find that a lot of people do it this way.

Good luck!

I've found that unless you deploy your custom stuff to the deployment
server (and let's face it... most of us NEVER deploy to the deployment
server) you may not have the OL records for your objects in the DEP7333
Environment. Without those records you won't see your custom objects and
therefore can't select them to be included in your update package. No
biggie though. I simply assemble the package on a fat client in the
environment in which the objects exist so that I can see them to include
them in the package and then you can launch the build from either the
DEP7333 env or from a fat client.

If your MO's are in the Dep server and your PROD users use MO's
extensively, a Deployment server build can slow down the PROD users. Not
normally an issue with update packages - moreso with full package builds.
Also, with the speed of hardware upgrades coming on the market, I find that
a late model Fat client is usually faster than the Deployment server

Hope this helps.


<[email protected]
om> To
Sent by: [email protected]
jdelist-bounces@j cc
Update Package - Where to Build
10/15/2004 07:14 from?

Please respond to

I am a little confused. I need to build a PY update package with custom
reports/versions. Should I assemble, build and deploy it from the DEP7333
on the deployment or can I do it from the PY pathcode on a workstation? Any
help will be much appreciated.
I also assemble and define the package on a Fat client (logged into the appropriate environment)then build and deploy it from the DS (from the DEP733 environment). A note: there are some objects (such as tables and business functions) that need to be checked out on the fat client before rebuilding Data Dictionary and Global Tables. You need to copy them to the package directory on the DS before the compress occurs. If you only have UBE or APPL modifications though, there is no need to do this.
You shouldn't need anything checked out to run R92TAM or R98CRTGL. The only requirement is that you should have the latest package loaded on the client that you are building them on and then follow the standard method to generate the specs.
I beg to differ, Dan. I agree with you if you are talking about a new table, etc. If you modify a table and add fields, however, you do need to check the table out in the environment where you are building the package. The exception is if you build a DV package on the machine that you used to modify the table.
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