Update large batch data in grid - update in background but no message to user

Philip Lee

Hi all,

We are using a grid to update large batch of data, say 30000 records. It usually runs around 4 minutes.

However, if another intensive tasks are running, e.g. go to end operation, it runs over 10 minutes and strange behavior occurs. We just see "Processing" label disappear suddenly, and sometimes some "Internal Server Error 500" returns. But the data are updated continuously at backend.

We have done an experiment. While updating, we close the browser. We can see a user session alive with no opening application in Server Manager. We can then confirm that it really continues to update in background, even frontend closed.

Have u faced this problem? We have no idea that how to avoid to show strange screen although data remains integrity.

IE 6 or 7


This may not be a very helpful response but attempting to use a interactive grid process to perform batch updates would seem to be the issue. In other words - you need to redesign the process.

The reason you are getting "Internal Server Error 500" is because your session is hiting timeout. You should be able to increase your timeout and avoid the error message.

Depending on how the data is getting update, If its submitting all the records at one time, then there is not need for any frontend confirmation and hence you are fine even if the browser is closed. I assume that's why you have no issue closing the browser.

However, As the other user suggested, updating 30000 records from a web front end might not be a very good idea. Have you looked at the CPU utilization of your web server at that time, it must me through the roof. You certainly want to use a UBE to do this. However, that would be something for your business to decide
Hi guys,

Thanks for your response. You those are more eager to response than JDE
I know the scenerio that it is not ideal to update large batch in grid. But in current situation, can I just increase the "timeout" to minimize the propability occurring error 500? So many timeout actually, what is the exact one? Thanks.

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