UBE default font


VIP Member
I have a basic question about the default UBE font as in

UBEFont_FaceName=Times New Roman

We found that these font settings change dynamically in the users´ JDE.INI files depending on the user´s default language setting. It will be different for users set to ´E´ in their profiles as opposed to users with ´P´.
This is causing differences in the report´s layouts.

How does all this work after all?
How can I manipulate this?
What will be the difference in this regard for reports running localy vs server?

Thanks in advance, Gerd
We are on E8.9, SP3_B1 (8.93.B1)

I don't know about the dynamically change but I think P98980 (XE !) will be some help to you to get the fonts right.

Marcel Endema
Thanks Marcel.
I had asked R/L in Denver about this issues and they pointed me to that same programm. I have only briefly looked into P98980 (it exists in E8.9 as well) and so far I am not quite clear what this programm does.
Do you know more about it?

Thanks, Gerd
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