two problems (MRP and purchasing)


First things first:
We run JDE OneWorld B7.333 Sp21 using our AS/400 as a server and web clients as the clients on the floor.

Now the problems:
We have an issue with MRP we want to relieve forcast via customer demand (work orders) and rate schedules. We have fixed the work order relieves forcast but rate schedules are not. Any suggestions. We have tried H,C and S palnning fence rules with planning fence days of 1,5,30 and 999.

Problem 2 on OB blanket POs
If a blanket PO has 3 lines and we relieve part of line 1 it changes the prices on line 2 and 3 to be the same as line 1. If we relieve line to it will change the prices only on 3. It does this for all POs that we recieve partials on.

Any help at all would be appreciated.
thank you very much.
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