Tools Release 8.95_C1

David Kimbrell

We're contemplating taking a new tools release per PeopleSoft's suggestion. Does anyone have any input regarding either 8.94 or 8.95?

In a few words, 8.94P1 is quite decent while 8.95B1=hell.
That should go without saying; I can't remember a service pack (Tools Release) which reached a perception of stability in the first two or three one-off's, let alone the first ten!

It would help if you would detail why you feel 8.94_P1 is "decent" versus 8.95_B1, besides the obvious "baked" factor of the older Tools Release and subsequent one-off fixes. Not everyone is going to have the same experience - it all depends on how you use the application, whether or not you are using 8.94 or 8.95 with 8.9/8.10 Apps in fat client mode can contribute to a different perception of stability when compared to 8.11 apps on 8.94/8.95 with Web client.

Then you throw in all of the various supported platforms and it is really a crapshoot as to whether or not a particular issue is going to affect the majority or minority of users!

C. Anderson is right, here is some extra detail on
my previous comments :

My customer is on E810 (iSeries V5R3) with Fat and
Web users, most of them still running Fat.
We've been installing/testing/suffering different
Tools Releases from 8.94C1, E1, H2, L1 and P1.
Some of these tools caused severe performance drops on
APPLs and ODBCs, while others were crashing our
Debugger and TCs (we're on French Windows).
L1 was particularly unstable and slow on the iSeries
Web Server, requiring often to rebounce Web instances.
We plan to remain on 8.94P1 for a long time (months?),
given that it provides a nice stability, and it's not
as buggy as previous ones we had.
We don't plan to install 8.95 for some months, as
C. Anderson said, we prefer to wait some time until
it gets more "mature".
I've got collegues installing E811 8.95B1 on W2003 and
on iSeries, both told me quite horrible stories about it.
Even Oracle warned us about 8.95B1 and suggested to
install C1 instead.
Unfortunately, I don't have info on Unix installs of
the latest Tools Releases.

Regards, Sebastian Sajaroff
I've installed 8.95_B1 on both HP-UX 11.11 (both DB and Enterprise Server from the platform pack) and AIX 5.3. Of course this is only in a lab environment, but the installations were relatively smooth. The Web server is another story (see other threads on this topic).

Back in the real world, we've been having all sorts of trouble with 8.94_I1 and in our DEV environment we've been testing 8.94_P1. It seems to be relatively stable (minus yet one more problem which required a POC from Oracle), but we think it is about ready for QA and ultimately PROD in the next few weeks.
Has anyone attempted to run 8.95 Application Server code with Xe yet ?

I'm willing to try it out on my test box.....for obvious reasons !
Hi David,

8.95B1 problems appeared during environment upgrade :
system tables creation and TCs were crashing almost
on every table conversion or table creation.
E811 was running on W2003 + SQL2000.
All of this was solved by installing 8.95C1; anyway, I
would wait for a couple of extra fixes (8.95F1 may be...)
before going into 8.95
As I said, 8.94P1 appears to be nice and stable.

I know of at least one issue with 8.95 (that has not been addressed as of 8.95C1) on B9 and 8.10 E1 releases .. Batch and Interactive versions cannot be deleted .. it tries to delete F983052 records for the versions, and that table does not exist in B9 or 8.10 (it exists in 8.11).
I am seeing a problem in the package install screen where you choose between Development objects and production objects. The path is blank, the required space is blank and there is only one radio button with no description for it. Working with support on this now.

Que casualidad tenernos que encontrar por este medio.....pero necesito hacerte una consulta...

Estoy en Ecuador, en un cliente con Plataforma Interl, DB SQl2000 (W2K SO) los demas servidores estan en W2003.....
Han implementado en produccion este fin de semana cambios en toda la seguridad de la aplicacion Peoplesoft y han instalado el Tools Release 8.95.C1 y el servidor de Base de Datos del 20% de utilizacion que venia teniendo se esta yendo a 60 o 70%??? Estan medios preocupados....

Estan en Release Peoplesoft 8.10.-

Tendra algo que ver este Tools Release!!???!!!

Muchias Gracielas
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