Time to Create a Delete Function


Well Known Member
I am questioning an estimate for a task. We have a table with only 9 columns. It was not originally designed to have a delete function. The only function is to delete a row(s) from the table. It does not need to update any other program/table/etc. The quote I am receiving is 24 hours of development (developing, business requirements, testing, promotion). It seems excessive. I'm just trying to feel out from experts on how long it actually takes.
Wow! I'll leave actual estimates to those who do this for living, but I'm sure you can write a NER BSFN to do this in 5min flat yourself (or a C BSFN in maybe 1/2-1h) and because it's so very simple, it can be tested in another 5 minutes (if you have tools to do it, or possibly 1/2h-1h if you don't) and then the promotion & packages can be done by the people who usually do that later on. Of course if you require devs to then submit excruciatingly detailed reports, it could take a bit longer.

Look for another provider, I'd say ;-)
If your function takes the unique key in a data structure and simply deletes the record, 5-10 minutes. It would take longer to create the record for it in OMW and NER design than it would to write the code inside

If it's a little smarter, in that it asks validating questions before the delete and it needs to work out the unique key, then it would obviously take longer, but even then not 24hrs.
Is that man hrs or time from when they started to the next day?

Obviously they'd need to test and promote it. So maybe that;s the 24hrs....?
Man hours - thanks for your reply. That helps in my quest to try to get this done. I'm not a developer, but I figured it wasn't quite that tough...
Sadly, I don't have many options - but I can push back based on these responses. Thanks for replying!
It depends on how much of the estimate is coding / testing time and how much is all the other happy crap stuff.
If your organization requires sign offs in triplicate for every little change then that number may be too low ;)
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