

Active Member
Hi all, Here is my senario I have a custom Table and have already send it to a customer through product packaging....This Table is now full of data. It became neccessary to add a couple of columns to that Table.
Is there an 'automated' way to transfer this change to the customer without him losing his data?
If anyone has managed to do something like that( through Product Packaging or TC or anyway....) his input would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Vkazakid:
I went through something similar as you as describing. You need to do:
1. copy your table to a temporary table.
2. Install the ASU
3. Recreate the table using the new specs
4. using you copy of the original data,you need to restore to the new table, providing the right values for the new fields.

Sorry, there is no easy answer for this.

Good luck

1.Using TC put all the values in a Flat File.
2.Add the new columns in that table and generate it
3.Again using TC put all the datas back to OW table with appropriate values(if req) to the newly added columns using ER in TC

Thank you for the input 'JdeDebug'...
Question 1: do i have to make 2 TCs ?
Question 2: the first TC run must be done before aplying the ASU to the client?

1.What ASU ur going to apply?
2. You have to do 2 TC' for back up and another for restoring the back up.

Thank you for the info
I Used the TC idea and managed to do what i wanted with no problem

Thank again,
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