Table Conversions: Dollar value decimal placement issue


Hi guys,
I'm doing some JDE interfaces with flat files, and have a couple problems with the decimals for payment amounts not showing up, or showing up in the wrong places.

3rd Party Check Print Table Conversion: My interface pulls PAAP from F0413 into a pipe delimited flat file. The flat file only writes the decimal if it is not .00 , meaning that whole numbers do not have a .00 tacked onto it. This looks bad on the checks. It should pull the entire 25.00 and not just 25

Bank Reconciliation: This is a copy of the standard JDE table conversion R09505. The flat file of data from the bank is fixed width, with no decimals in the amount field. When the table conversion writes into the F09505 table it only takes the whole number, putting .00 in the decimal places. eg: AMOUNT from text file: 0000206258 AMOUNT written into F09505 AA field: 206258.00 AMOUNT that should be written: 2062.58

Thanks for any insights,
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