Submitted Jobs under JAS


VIP Member
Hi List,
I am terminating a new install, Xe, SP20, W2K, Oracle, W2K Jas .
When trying to visualize the submitted Jobs in JPY7333 I get an error
that BSFN SetF986110DS (B9861101) did not execute correctly.
I already found that this is a known problem that was resolved in SP17. I
am under SP20, I build a full server package und still have the problem.
I know that under WTS one can map the BSFN to run locally, under JAS I do
not have this option.
JDE R/L has been called, but with no positive result.
Does anybody out there have any idea how I could solve my problem?

Thanks in advance, Gerd.

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You should be able to map the function locally, I have it mapped local for all my environments and I have no issues with submitted jobs with JAS
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