SP21 JAS generaates OK but cant run any HTML apps


Well Known Member
Hi List,

An interesting problem - site running Xe with Update 4 on RS6000 enterprise
and RS6000 JAS servers with SP21 and Websphere 4.0.5 - generates OK and at
run time the HTML sign-on screen is given and can sign on and get menus. But
when try to run ANY application that has definitely been generated
successfully - error - cannot run - please use latest generator etc.

The records are present in F989998/F989999 for this application etc and the
JASDEBUG.LOG shows a correct SQL statement - but it still thinks it has not
been generated.

Any ideas anyone - are other running JAS with SP21 ?

Andy Smith
Technical Consultant



Office : 01159 825987
Mobile: 07949 603770

E-Mail: [email protected]

Andy Smith
Whitehouse Consultants
Win2K SQLServer7 Xe

Was this a first time generation?? I've seen this problem before and
what I did was to generate in the following order...Views, Tables, NER's,
DD, Applications, then Reports...then I performed another full generation
by selecting all to generate.

Also, be sure you followed the special instruction for SP21, including
the DD and regeneration of the serialized object tables. You will be
able to populate them even if you don't follow the special instructions.

Regards and luck,

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:00:43 -0800 (PST) andy_smith

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Did you use the Gen.bat file that came with SP 21 it is under the system folder under the path where you install the fat client instance.
I'm at SP20 but had a similar problem. Frustrating. What we found was there was a difference in the SP levels. The OW client on the eGenerator must match the SP level of the eGenerator JAS files which must match the level of the JAS files.

I know how to check the client - \B7\system\Bin32\owver.dll - but other than file dates, I don't know how to check the JAS.

Does anyone know how to verify the JAS version?

There is a ptf.log file in the owhtml folder in a UNIX JAS installation that
will show the JAS level - does not seem to be one in an Intel JAS
installation though.

Andy Smith
Technical Consultant



Office : 01159 825987
Mobile: 07949 603770

E-Mail: [email protected]

Andy Smith
Whitehouse Consultants
Win2K SQLServer7 Xe
Re: RE: SP21 JAS generaates OK but cant run any HTML apps

The AS400 has a ptf.log - B7333SYS/LOG(PTF) - but it is related to the level as an Enterprise Server.

There doesn't seem to be a ptf.log for the AS400 JAS.
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