restoring a file off of a backup tape


Well Known Member
I am totally having a memory block. I can't seem to restore a file from a library off of the backup tape. I want to restore the data file to my library. I have tried RSTLIB and RSTOBJ and i can't get either to work
Remember to know what the savlib library was ..and if you have the SEQ numnber ( DSPTAP TAPXX *RESTORE *PRINT) , this also confirms it on the tape.

Send me your command ..maybe its just a typo
If it is just one file, do not use rstlib - that restores the whole library. If you have sequence number it will go faster, but not required. (rstobj lib(*lib), file(*file), tolib *lib) I also try to always use *new that way I won't overwrite the original file till I am absolutely ready. I forget which statement it goes on, but if you prompt after typing rstobj you will see it. What KMCNALLY mentioned about - DSPTAP TAPXX *RESTORE *PRINT - is also very good. This makes sure the file is on the tape, but also supplies you with seq number.
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