Re: [Re: EO 8.0, 8.1, 8.9]


Well Known Member
Re: [Re: EO 8.0, 8.1, 8.9]

I have seen a reference to EnterpriseOne's latest version, 8.10. I am unsure if it was a typo or is there already a plan for the next version to replace 8.9. Has anyone seen any documents on this
Re: [Re: EO 8.0, 8.1, 8.9]

In meetings with PeopleSoft in Denver, there was a discussion on 8.10 and 8.11. 8.10 was originally an update for 8.9 but has since has been reclassified as an upgrade. We were told it would be generally available 3rd quarter. If you refer to an article on 8.10 in the 3/18 PeopleSoft Plugged In newsletter, the GA was announced as May, 2004. 8.11 is the release after that and is scheduled for QTR 4 this year or Qtr 1 next year.
Re: [Re: EO 8.0, 8.1, 8.9]

8.93 would be the new nomenclature to indicate that you are on 8.9 SP3. So those who are testing SP3 are entering SAR's and thus you see SAR's for 8.93. Funny thing happened to us here recently, there were SAR's entered for an issue we had, but for XE, 8.0, and 8.10, but there was NO SAR for 8.9. They sent a paper fix....yes....a real, live, honest to goodness paper fix. It brought a tear to my heart to be reminded of the 'good' ol days! Page after page of "ADD", "DELETE", create variables, change ER....

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