Question about virtual server and package build

Jaise James

Reputable Poster
So we are using F5 to load balance app server. Basically we have two app server e.x ta1 and ta2, we created a virutal name called tap which points to F5 , which loads balances to tap1/2. IN 8.10 we used to build package for ta1 and ta2 and everything would work fine as TAP was never a phsyical box to build a package
In release 8.10 ( I think any release where Package manifestion proces was not introduced), this would work fine.
However in 9.1, package manifestion is stored in F96511. If you don't have a record for tap, your e1 environment will not work.
So my question is, has any one came across this situation? How did you resolve this? I can easiliy create a record for this in database, but I was wondering if there was a more easier and straight-forward way instead of table manipulation at DB level.
Write a record for the virtual enterprise server. When you deploy a full package to the real servers, you must update the virtual server's record.
Hi Sean
Thanks that what I found from Oracle as well.. I wish there was an automated way to do this.
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