Policy Security



Hi, all!

We are 8.9 user and we want to set policy security to our users will have to change your password as each 60 days. But to form in existing users at P98OWSEC , W98OWSECI, doesn't do this.
Has anyone know how to happen this? Can anyone offer some suggestions please?


We have this set for our users. To set it we clicked on the revise secuirty row exit from P98OWSEC. Then modified the password change frequency to 60.

We we tested it we found that this gives the user a message five days before the password expiry reminding them to change their password. If they do not do so after the warning period they can not log in until they change their password.

Not sure if this is different in other versions.
I think this needs to be setup PER USER in P98OWSEC, at least that's how it was in Xe. You can change the frequency for user A, but it doesn't carry forth to user B. So it's best to set this when creating the user id and initially setting it in P98OWSEC.

I wrote a custom application that will expire the password which is simply a row exit on P0092. The ER sets the date on the user profile back one year, thus, expiring the id. Uers are forced to change their password upon log in.
If you want to update all people at once. You can always use a SQL statement on the F98OWSEC table. Updating the SCSECFRQ field to '60'. Remember to backup the table first.
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