PDF Distiller Error


I changed an existing complex project slightly and now it is giving me a Distiller error...

Error: undefined; Offending Command: CSeC

Does anyone understand Postcript enough to help with this?

What version of CformDesigner are you working with? You're getting the error when you try to "Preview" in designer right? Just as a test, instead of "preview" will it print from designer directly to a printer?

I'd need to see more of the PS code to try and pinpoint the cause of the error. Somewhere in the PS code it must be using the command CSeC for something. What type of change did you make? Logic that dynamically called a new logo? If yes, maybe the error is coming from the new logo/image.

It does print directly. I would not have guessed that...

I changed a text box to use a different font. That font was new to this form, but is in use in other forms for several months without issue.
I deleted some text and a variable from several text boxes.
I also deleted a gradient from one part of the various forms. It is still in use in other parts..
That's it..
Is the font one of the standard fonts in the list or one that was added to CformDesigner (Setup > Fonts > Add)?

Just trying to narrow down possible causes;
If you open one of your other existing forms that uses that font will it preview?

Are you trying to preview the project (.cfp) or just the form itself (.frm)? If you're previewing from the project try opening just the form (.frm) and see if that will preview.

If you open and resave the problem form to a different name does that form preview or get the error? Sometimes forcing the app to re-write the entire form fixes things that aren't working.

I've looked at some PS code that Cform 2.7 generates and can't quite tell what it's doing with the command CSeC. I'd need to see the process & operation stack but even with that I might not be able to identify the cause of the error.

I'm running CformDesigner v2.7.20.4322.

The font was added 3-6 months ago and does work in other forms.
It also previews properly in the other forms.
I am previewing the project, but I can preview forms as well. This project has 16 different forms chosen by the data. I guess I could pull each one up individually and see if distiller has issues with one or more.
When I save it to a new name and preview, it does distill, but totally ignores the expression for choosing the form to use and only shows the initial form which I use just for comments and to hold the expression. I did not change the expression at all...
OK... I obviously underestimated the complexity of your project. Forget about the project you saved to a different name. Delete the files with the new name to keep things clean.

Back to your original project/problem.... with that project open go to the Section that has a form that you modified. Select File > Print then change the print option to "Form" and click the Preview button. Does it preview or get the Distiller error?

I don't think it's the font and maybe not the changes to the form either. Very odd that it can print the project but not preview.

As it turns out I submitted this to support as well and they had me download Service Pack 2 and patch 22 which put me at the same version you are running and the problem is gone. They usually don't get back to me this quickly, but Jeff Aizley knew what the problem was. I wish they were more proactive about stuff like this though. It was issued in 2005...
Jeff Aizley is one of THE BEST support people that BT has. The painful part is you have to wait for level 1 support to gather all the information and do research before issues get assigned to Jeff. Then like magic, he knows exactly what it is and how to fix it. That guy is amazing!

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