Package Build Status


Active Member
I have looked and looked and I can't find the thread that talked about manually setting the package build status. I have a full package that I built fine and deployed everyhere, but I see that for some reason it now is at a status of Definition Complete. I need to install it to a new client. I did discover that I can do an ALT S and hopefully it will show up on my package list so that is a workaround, But I'd really like to know what is the table name that I can update the status back to Build Complete on? I've doubled checked and the package is complete on my deployment server - I really don't want to have to rebuild the sucker when I know it's just a status issue.
Can anyone point me to the right file, Please?
You are in the right area.

Go to the package_inf directory on the deployment server. Find your
package and change the following line to:

You say your package status has been reset to "Build Defintion Complete".

Check F96021 for BHPKGNAME = <your pkg name> , check the value of the field BHBLDSTS. It would be 20 right now , if the status is "Build Defintion complete". Update it to 50 to make it "Build Completed Successfully".

Note there will be one record for Client and one record for Server package, depending on the type of package you built.

Also open P9631 and confirm that the deployment status is approved, if not set it to approved.
Thank you so much! This is what I was looking for. The package.inf file WAS set to approved - it was just the table status that I needed to reset. This solved my problem. Thanks, Ice_Cube!
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