Open World in SF - DBAM session -- Reminder


Reputable Poster
Calling all of my JDEList friends:

Just a reminder to anyone on this list who will be attending Open World
in San Francisco, California to please attend the session on JDE World
DBAM (Data Base Audit Manager) and Ategrity's Trace product. You will
get some insight into how DBAM can be setup and used on some of your
critical files and data. DBAM is a product offered free to JDE World

Ategrity's Trace product is a hands on, real time view into the any
audit file. Trace also you to drill down into the detail of an audit
record. You can subset or select data criteria for a field(s). You can
view only 'A'dded, 'C'hanged or 'D'eleted records.

So MARK your calendars for this date: Tuesday Sept. 23rd, 2008 at
11:30am Session # S300160. I will be a co-presenter at this session.

See you there....

Jim Rubino
Fike Corporation
As I stagnate on release A73 cume9, I thank Jim Rubino for the reminder
that Data Base Audit Manager is another great reason to upgrade to a
current release like A91.


Eric Lehti, Sr. programmer analyst
(918) 879-6036 direct; (918) 292-9142 mobile
Ameristar Fence Products, Tulsa Oklahoma

Eric Lehti, Sr. programmer analyst
(918) 879-6036
But alas, you don't have to be on A9.1 to use DBAM.

Nichelle Wilcox
Application Development Manager
Buffet Partners, L.P.
Quest JDE World Product Advocacy Committee Member
2701 E Plano Pkwy
Suite 200
Plano, Texas 75074
o 214.291.2855
f 214.291.2466

"The Best Design is the Simplest One That Works" Albert Einstein
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Re: RE: Open World in SF - DBAM session -- Reminder

Nichelle is quite right. DBAM came out with Cum 14 of A7.3 (menu G946) but if you are on an earlier release or on A8.1 you can download the latest version of DBAM which is compatible with all World releases from Customer Connection at
I can't motivate anyone here to upgrade to ANY release, so the benefits

A73 cume 10,

or 11,

or 12,

or 13,

or 14,

or 15,

or 16,

or A81 cume1,

or 2,

or 3,

or 4,

or 5,

or 6,

or A91 cume 1, or 2, remain far beyond my grasp!

Firmly rooted at A73 cume9,

Unlike all of you who have upgraded!

Eric Lehti, Sr. programmer analyst
(918) 879-6036 direct;
Re: RE: Open World in SF - DBAM session -- Reminder

DBAM will work fine with Cume 9
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