OLE/URL Attachment with web client


Reputable Poster
Hi List,

I was making some tests on attachment to work orders.
I test OLE attachment with word document.
When i attach to a work order a file name "test.doc" with a fat client, i see the name "test.doc" in the attachment list of my work order (and with the menu File, you can even rename your attachment).
But if i attach the same file in web client, i don't get the name "test.doc". I see "OLEx" (where x is a number) in my attachment list. Furthermore in web, i don't find any way to rename the attachment.
Did someone have the same issue ?
Any idea on how to solve it or any workaround ?

My second question is :
How does URL attachement work ?
I tried to attach an URL, selecting a file from my pc (or from a server). But when i try to see the attachment from another fat client, i see a web page with an error (can't open page requested), and with the web client i get an error message : "Media object Fetch Image failed".
Is there a particular place to put the files you want to attach with URL ?

Thanks for your help.

OW system administrator.
OLE on the web is not very well implemented.

Here is my interpretation of how it works:
1. The user uploads an OLE attachment to the JAS server.
2. The JAS server stores the OLE attachment in the directory defined for "MO QUEUE" in the JAS.INI.
3. The JAS server periodically connects to the UNC for the Media Objects using the credentials under which the IBM WebSphere service runs. The JAS server then copies the files to the UNC.

Here are issues that I know about:
1. The "MO QUEUE" path on the WebSphere server is never purged. It just keeps growing.
2. Until the files are copied from MO QUEUE to the UNC for Media Objects, the Media Objects cannot be viewed by end users (i.e. Media object Fetch Image failed). This flush seems to occur between 5 and 15 minute intervals.
3. If there is a problem with the flushing from MO QUEUE to the UNC, the user is never warned.
4. NTFS security over the UNC location is negated when a web viewer view a Media Object in the contect of the account running the IBM WebSphere service.

J. D. Edwards has issued a document for debuging some the issues (OTI-03-0106).
I'm working with MO on JAS server atm. Thanks for this post, it helped me alot!

Are there any solutions for some of the problems stated here?
Do you still have to manually delete the 'MO cache' of WebSphere (AND is it OK to do so?)
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