Multi-facility Setup


Hello List,
I'm playing in Standalone, B7334, SP19, trying to sort out Multifacility Planning.
In P3403T, the "Work with Branch Relationships" screen has three data fields on the far right. they are:
Percent Markup (PCMU)
Fixed Markup (MMCU) and
Unit/Extended (FXUE).
These data fields do not appear on the "Branch Relationships Revisions" screen. So, the question is, Where (what screen or Program) do we populate these fields?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
These are cost/price additions that are particular to a branch whose effeciencies are different than the normal manufacturing branch.

seeker <[email protected]> wrote:Hello List,I'm playing in Standalone, B7334, SP19, trying to sort out Multifacility Planning. In P3403T, the "Work with Branch Relationships" screen has three data fields on the far right. they are: Percent Markup (PCMU) Fixed Markup (MMCU) and Unit/Extended (FXUE).These data fields do not appear on the "Branch Relationships Revisions" screen. So, the question is, Where (what screen or Program) do we populate these fields? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
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World, OW B733X and Xe
Hello Seeker,

Interesting question! It has been several years since I worked this area in the World environment, but if memory serves me, those fields were accessible in the fold of the detail lines.

I'm not sure if they ever made it to OW, or got dropped somewhere along the path of "subsequent releases". In OW/Xe, however, there is another program - P3403 (not on any menu that I have found - just "call" it from the fastpath field on any menu). From it, you can populate the Percent Markup (PCMU) field.
Caution: if you create a relationships record with P3403T, then use P3403 to populate the % markup you will end up with two relationships records - one with the markup and one without, and differences in some of the other fields.

I've not tested what happens if both are left in, but I suspect you should delete the one without the % markup.

If you want to use % markup, I'd suggest you use P3403 to create the record, then go into P3403T, tab through the data fields, and make whatever changes you may need, then clikck on OK to "update" the record and populate some data fields that P3403 "missed".

P3403T will populate Unit/Extended with a U default from the data dictionary.

I have no idea how (where) to populate Fixed markup (FXMU). I would suspect that if you find where to do it, that on the same screen you could specify that the fixed markup could be added to the extended cost rather than the unit cost.

Beyond that, perhaps one of the other power users or techies can provide some additional guidance.
I do have experience of this setup dating back to the Summer of 2000 (hardly up-to-date!) but I did ask JDE Customer Support what the deal was with these fields. Their reply was that they were all "future functionality" and I guess this remains the case.

My hunch is that they remain in the database as a co-existance legacy but JDE saw little Customer Demand for these features and therefore cut corners in the development. I don't think they ever got around to putting the functionality back. It is worth checking with Customer Support and and/or the SAR's in the KG as they might give you a more definitive answer.

It remains to be seen if these fields remain in ERP9 when (as I see it) the last pretence of co-existance is dropped and World and OneWorld (sorry "EnterpriseOne") go their separate ways..... I would guess not. JDE/PSFT may just leave them so that your own Developers can use the fields for Custom Mods. I do not believe that the Business Functions behind P3411/R3411 will take any notice of these fields in processing a Transfer Order - it may be a performance issue.
Thanks for the response.
If we decide to use markup, it will probably be a % added to the unit cost, so I think I have what I need for now to try testing.

Thank you also for checking with JDE. You certainly have helped me define some parameters for developing test scenarios. I'll definitely want to test to determine if markups will carry over to the transfer orders now that Mike has found a way to populate the field.

Thanks again to you both, you have been most helpful.
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