Missing Address Book Entries


We have a number of users whom we have set up with address book entries when they were created. However, for a subset of the users, the addresss book entries periodically dissapear. It seems to be the same users each time. When we recreate address book entries and associate them with these users they stick for a few days to a week or so then dissapear again. Anyone have any suggestions?
We need a little help - what platform/version/service pack level are you on?


Here is the info you requested.

Running on the Windows Server 2000 Server / Windows XP and Web client platforms.

Version B7334

SP 22

I hope this is what you are looking for.


After further review we found that this is an procedural error rather than an EnterpriseOne issue. Our Database folks have been copying tables from the PD environment to other environments (primarily DV), overwriting our AB entries. We were unaware of this until DV entries disappeared today but the F0101 table had info from previous edits. Then we followed up on it and found out about the copies. Looks like we need to establish a protocol. Thanks.
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