


I am trying to copy F00165 from one datasource to another data source both in E900..I am having difficulty in copying Text..I tried using GetGenericTextStr to retrieve the etxt from source data source and BD3N0011 to insert the etxt in F00165 in target data source..In the target data source in F00165 i can see only plain text in the Blob field..I am not able to open the attachement from the application(P4310)...The text in the Blob column is not stored in proper format....

Please let me know is there any way to copy F00165 from 1 data source to other both in E900...
Thanx in Adavnce..


The easiest way is to get your DBA to export the table from where it is and then import the table to where you want it. BLOB columns are the cause of the problem and export/import is the only way I know of easily doing the copy.
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