Max rows of ROW security


Active Member
I have row security allocated to indiviudal users for either a range or list of indiviual cost centres. Is there a maximum number of lines of row security that you can have and is it all validated on the cost centre master F0006. I have issues with users who have alot of row security for CC's entered for them and this seems to cause issues when tryinhg to receipt orders within their allocated CC range, any ideas?
I don't know if there is a MAX, but I do know that the more records you have against a user ID it causes performance issues. You should try setting up the security on a group level. We use a lot of row security here where we exculde certain company from users.
I read in post, within the past few weeks - that the magic number was 12 or 13 lines of Row Security. As soon as that limit was hit - nothing was brought back and/or performance deminished even more.


We have a small user base (374). We use row security on Cost Centres without any problem. Some stats on the number of rows of row security per user are:

Average: 2.3
Maximum: 161
1 to 50 Rows: 359
51 to 100 Rows: 13
over 100 Rows: 2
On our F0006 table (MCU) we have used a maximum of 16 rows of security. I have observed some performance hit but still doable. We have a little over 54,000 records in our F0006 and 15,600,000 records in our F0901. The most performance hit I have experienced was trying to use thousands of records of type 9 security (we have over 18,000 users and use over 2000 groups). This affected the entire system, including admin users.
Thanks for the feedback. I still require some info on what exactly OneWorld uses to verify row security when related to cost centres, is it purely the F0006 or are there other tables?

Cost Centre row security is set up using the data item MCU and can be applied to *ALL tables or selected tables (requires a security workbench entry for each individual table). We use *ALL which limits access to the MCU in any table that contains the MCU data item. (eg F0006, F0901, F0902, F0911, ...)

Hope this helps.
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