Match Voucher to Open Receipt.


We use world a73 cum 11 for JDE

I have 3 4314 Match Voucher to Open Receipt that have two different suppliers on them. The accounting person gets the error of error supplier.How do I go and change the wrong supplier listed to the right supplier? Here is what I have done so far. I have inquired on 43111 Enter Purchase Orders for all 3 PO#s that show up two different suppliers. When the PO comes up that I have inquired on I notice that the line is closed on 43111. I take the option 1 which takes me to 430112 Purchasing Information. On this screen I notice that the wrong supplier is listed but is yellowed out and can't be changed. When I Inquire on the po using 4314 Match Voucher to Open Receipts it shows the correct supplier under PO# but the supplier next to item/account shows the wrong supplier and the supplier is highlighted. The person that created the PO went and changed the supplier on the 43111 but did not and was not able to at the other places. Can I reopen this PO# and is there a way to change the supplier to the correct one.

Any help would be great.

Thank you


I don't think you can correct it on the application side, you can only do a direct correction on the database using SQL (check out these tables/files F43121, F0411, F43199, F4111).

Hope this helps.
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