Line of Business & Xe Mfg


Dear Listees,

Hello! We're three weeks from go-live on Xe 15.1 and wondering: Is anyone out there using Line of Business A/R in conjuction with manufacturing and distribution?

Or, more generally, is anyone live on Xe manufacturing and distribution and willing to admit it?

At our last Steering Committee meeting the president of the company got frustrated and challenge anyone to name just one company that is live on the software we're implementing. "Am I the first??!!!" (I won't quote the rest.) This follows his experience of JDE being unable to provide even one valid reference during pre-sales.

Line of Business, as we are using it anyway, is essentially an independent organizational structure between a company and a branch/plant. Currently one branch/plant cannot be in two lines of business, which violates the whole concept. This means Line of Business is not working as sold, although support says it is W.A.D. (working as designed). We didn't discover this until after financials went live with Line of Business.

We do have some indication through the account rep that something will be done, maybe a mod., but misery loves company and I'd appreciate hearing from fellow sufferers, if there are any. Thanks.

Greg Rowe
I personally loved this one:

frustrated and challenge anyone to name just one company that is live on the
software we're implementing. "Am I the first??!!!" (I won't quote the
rest.) This follows his experience of JDE being unable to provide even one
valid reference during pre-sales.

Tell him that he should have thought about that before signing the papers
and writing the checks <g>
Somehow, this sounds familiar. Not much different from 1997. Some things
don't change.
We are utilizing sales flex accounting to handle our different divisions, don't know if this helps or not. We are in the prototyping phase still and haven't got to testing, which should start soon. We are going with the whole suite, distribution, financials, and mfg.

xe 15.2/SQL 2000/2000 TSE/ Oct1 GoLive /80users
My interpretation of 'Line of Business' for A/R only means that the Customer
Master will be unique for each company. That is the only difference. Has
nothing to do with the G/L.

Bill Williams
B7333 Xe SP 15 Coexistent with A73 Cume 11
A/S 400 Model 820
Windows 2000 Application Server
Windows 2000 Citrix
Thanks for responding. I'm curious how your testing goes, if you are at liberty to discuss it. As mentioned, I'd be careful if anyone advises you to use Line of Business, but it sounds like you've avoided that. (Forgive my ignorance on whatever flex accounting is.)
Doesn't someone have to be first? I know this sounds
kinda naive since I am a tech person but have
companies become such risk-averse sissies that they
will do nothing unless someone else has done it?

I seriously doubt if Rockefeller/Carnegie/Gates etc.
got ahead by asking "Am I the first?" Personally I am
not sure I would want to work for a company unless the
President had balls....

No replies necessary, just my personal observations,
limited by my world experience.

--- WOsborne <[email protected]> wrote:

We aren't using line of business AR. But, I've heard "functions as designed" crap too many times. I also have our president asking "We aren't the only ones?"

Its not so much about not wanting to be first as it is wanting it to work after spending 12 months and $1,000,000. JDE doesn't seem too willing to resolve their issues and thats whats scary about being first with them. I don't think this has anything to do with balls, and if Rockefeller/Carnegie/Gates etc... had partners like JDE, I'm not sure they would of been first either.

XE SP15, Oracle 8.1.6 on W2K,Citrix/W2K, NT 4.0
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