JDE Ship confirm and shipment numbers


Hi JDEListers,

I'm working on version 8.1 (JDE oneWorld), and have an issue using ship confirmation (of sales orders).

There are a few lines on an order (ready to be shipped, but not yet shipped), and they all have the same shipment number.

When we partially ship confirm line 1, it splits into 2 lines (1 and 1.001).

Line 1 - is now shipped for the quantity that we shipped in ship confirm - has the original shipment number.
Line 1.001 - has the remaining quantity that wasn't shipped from line 1 - and it has a new shipment number.
Line 2 - which isn't shipped has the original shipment number.
Line 3 - which isn't shipped has the original shipment number.

When we go back to ship confirm - and click find on the order number the only line that appears is line 1.001 - because it's shipment number isn't shipped. Even though lines 2 and 3 have status that are ready to be shipped the underlying SQL checks the shipment header file to see if the shipment number has been shipped.

Lines 2 and 3 which should show in ship confirm are linked to the old shipment number - which is now saying shipped.

This doesn't seem right - does anyone know where the settings (processing options/UDCs/configuration) could be to change this behaviour?

I can't find a SAR for this which makes me think we're missing a setting somewhere?

Any assistance would be awesome, and very much appreciated.

Without a configuration change - all I can see is a modification in ship confirmation that grabs the new shipment number from the new line, and apply it to the remaining open lines... which seems really wrong.

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