help please


Hi everyone,

good day, i need help. I accidentally run the setup.exe in one of the fat clients (this is the webgen machine) so when the client install ran, i just allowed it to finish, to my surprise it wiped out all the contents including the dll's in 811 folder and the activeconsole.exe etc. I need help in restoring it. please help..thanks
Did you back up this machine? If not, you'll have to start over and make sure that is part of your new process. We all make that mistake once.

Ditto to Greggs remarks. Fortunately when I made that mistake it was not on the web gen machine and it was in XE (most had Fat clients) - all I had to do was re-install the Fat client. I had to do this several times as I was not the only one to make this mistake.

Once you get the webgen machine functioning again, make a copy of the entire System directory. Place it in a safe location outside of the B7 directory structure. Also make a safe copy of the jde.ini and web.inf folders. The webgen machine is a unique beast and needs some extra safeguarding steps. Welcome to the club, we all make that mistake AT LEAST ONCE.....

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